Thursday, April 30, 2009


Today I am determined to finish those columns! I WILL do it next week, while I am waiting in that huge room during (ugh) jury duty. My laptop is coming with me, and my writer's block will end! Yes!

Talked to my dear friend, author/ writer/ editor Signe Pike yesterday. She is editing my columns and assures me that they will be well-received. My conversation with her was a real blessing. She & I are going off to Merry Old England at the end of this month - we are going to Glastonbury for research and for nurturing. I know the Goddess has much to share with me there! And Signe will find many things for her upcoming book, "Faery Tale" - we are both very excited!

The Chalice Well, where we are staying, is a most magical place. The trees sparkle with the lights of the Faeries; branches of bushes shake, things appear in flashes and disappear just as quickly - it truly is a fantastic experience to visit there! I can't wait!

Have a day of joy; and bless your heart,

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Here in my Magical Life, I feel safe to break through my current writer's block by enjoying this sacred space with you, sharing in the knowledge that we already possess magical talents within us, just because WE ARE ALIVE. This time with you is so special to me. My wish is that you will also feel great joy here! I believe that if we unite in holding powerful visions with beautiful intentions, we will certainly create a better world for everyone.

Enjoy the picture of something purely magical. It stirs my heart to know that we are sharing our world with those from the Faery Kingdom!