Friday, May 1, 2009


I saw on my Facebook page that one of my friends is wondering if she has ever been abducted.

My husband and I are pretty sure we saw aliens impersonating humans on the subway a few years back - it was really, really strange. The 3 in question were sitting across from us on the shuttle train. They looked just a bit odd but hey, this is New York! We have every kind of person here. What really stunned us was when they started laughing uproariously, and I mean uproariously, with peals of laughter, none of their faces moved. Whew! Yup, we figured A-L-I-E-N-S! Right here in New York City!

Last week I was in Fairway. It was a bit crowded, being "after work" and closer to the dinner hour - there were 3 very tall guys in front of me in line. They were dressed normally, but not acting so. They all had big wads of money, gripping the bills close to their chests. They had an odd array of things - 1 beet, 2 apples, 1 carrot, 1 potato, 2 parsnips - hmmm? And whenever the girl checking them out would ask them "is this organic?" They would all look at each other, almost panicked, and one of them would say, "I don't know" (in perfect English by the way.) The girl became so frustrated that she called the manager. HE had to check them out. He would ask, "Did you get this potato upstairs?" All three of them would look at each other, and one would sort of blurt out "yes", or "no" to each question. It was so weird. And then they didn't know how to pay for their groceries. They were all just standing there with their bills, looking absolutely confused! Finally, the checkout girl had to extract the right amount of money from one of their piles...

Have you seen aliens in New York? Or wherever you are? My friend, Lindsey, told me last month at Mystery School that the Native Americans have known for eons that there are aliens on earth. Does anybody have anything to say about this?

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